Product Add-on Prorate Calculator
Fill out the form below to get the discount price
Product name(s) added (copy-paste name of add-on product(s) here):
Enter the date of their original sales close-won date OR their most recent renewal date here:
1 - January
2 - February
3 - March
4 - April
5 - May
6 - June
7 - July
8 - August
9 - September
10 - October
11 - November
12 - December
Enter anticipated start date for new add-on product(s) here (either today's date or a future date if requested by the customer):
1 - January
2 - February
3 - March
4 - April
5 - May
6 - June
7 - July
8 - August
9 - September
10 - October
11 - November
12 - December
Enter the total cost (minus any total discount IF applicable) of the add-on product(s) here:
Discounted amount:
When creating the Quote, copy-paste the amount here into a one-time discount.
Discount Name:
Copy-paste the text below into the discount label.
Final note:
When creating your quote, you also need to add a one-time discount equal to the sum of all existing recurring line items. Label this discount “Credit for existing subscriptions already paid.”