In the world of association management, extra time is scarce. Learn how to make the most of your day by following these simple tips.
1. Keyboard Shortcuts
Learn keyboard shortcuts for the computer programs you use regularly. The time you save will really add up.
2. Internet Time
Limit how many times a day you check social media, news, etc. Otherwise, leave them alone (seriously).
3. The Black Hole of Email
Schedule specific times of day to check email. This seriously improves productivity. Read and respond, then close your email program.
4. Separate Work and Personal Emails
By having different email accounts, you can avoid answering personal emails at work and work emails at home.
5. Critical or Important?
When you’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, put tasks into two categories: critical and important. Finish the critical items and then tackle things that are important.
6. Be Prepared
Save time by putting together tomorrow’s game plan today. Before you leave, arrange the details of your day. This way, you can easily prioritize and schedule, which allows you to work more efficiently.
7. The Exit Plan
You have a work start time, but do you really have a leaving time? If you schedule to leave the office at a specific time, you’re more likely to stay on task and be more productive.
8. Use a Member Management Solution
Manage your organization with GrowthZone AMS. It’s easy-to-use and designed to manage all the day-to-day operations of your organization.
Happy association employees are productive employees.
Get the tips in “6 Ways to Reduce Association Staff Turnover.”
SEE ALSO: 4 Social Media Tips for Associations