Our GrowthZone AMS blog series, 6 Proven Ways Associations Improved Member Engagement, explores different tactics that can increase member engagement. In this installment, we dive into programming strategies used by associations with strong member engagement rates.
In the 2020 GrowthZone Association Survey Results, over half of respondents reported that their year-over-year engagement rates increased.
Of the respondents indicating increased engagement, 11% attributed the improvement to new or updated programming.
How they did it:
- Increased focus on program promotion
- Updated / improved new-member onboarding programs/methods
- Added new programs designed to increase overall participation
- Added new programs tailored to specific interests of certain types of members
- Sunset programs with diminishing or stagnant participation
- Connected with member companies’ HR departments to review benefits available to their staff
- Designed programs offered exclusively to young professional members
In many cases, programming adjustments must be determined when an association reviews or updates its overall strategic plan. But, if possible, consider testing strategies sooner than later, particularly with association programs that aren’t performing well. As long as it’s measurable, testing can shed light on how to improve association programming so it’s more engaging to members.
Learn How to Measure Association Progress >>
Engagement is what makes the world of association membership go round. Engaged members renew. A solid renewal rate allows more time for association member recruitment. Where does it all end up: association growth.
The previous installment of this blog series explores association communication techniques to drive member engagement.
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2020 Association Industry Survey Results Report. >>