Association Website Footers Matter. A Lot.

association website footer imageAre you paying attention to the footer on your association’s website? If not, you’re missing an opportunity (and you’re not alone). A LOT more people see the footer than you might think (particularly on mobile). It’s an essential element of any website.

A website footer, found at the bottom of a web page:

    • helps boost conversions
    • builds credibility
    • reduce bounce rates
    • improves SEO
    • enhances user experience

A footer signals that the user has reached the end of the association’s webpage. A well-structured footer should catch the user’s attention. It provides an opportunity for further engagement by giving the user a chance to take action before leaving.


Avoid clutter and leave plenty of space.

Include basic links to other sections of your association’s website. Group related links and give each section a relevant title.

Incorporate your website’s theme for continuity. Make sure the text is readable (and ADA accessible) by appropriately contrasting colors.

User experience is key. Providing an intuitive hierarchy is important. If your footer has a lot of information, evaluate the necessity of each component, or consider collapsible menus.

Mobile Optimization
With the popularity of social media, scrolling has become standard practice. On mobile, users typically scroll, and a well-structured footer offers easy navigation options.

The navigation links in a website footer make it easy for the visitors to keep exploring without scrolling back up. Include useful links to increase the likelihood of visitors opening other pages and spending more time on your site.

Search engines analyze footers, and quality links help improve SEO ranking.

Keywords demonstrate your site’s relevance to search engines. Their use should be authentic, and they should be placed in a line of text, not just as a link.

Copyright, Terms of Use, and Privacy Links
Very few people view these pages. Place their links at the very bottom of the footer to get it out of the way.

Tip: Including credibility-builders (e.g., awards, certifications,
member testimonials, reviews) in the footer can sway
users to engage (e.g., complete a form or watch a demo).

Association Blogging

Include the basics (in bold). Then, as design permits, prioritize other elements, remembering that calls-to-action are a slam dunk for engagement.

  • Navigation menu
  • Contact Form
  • Sitemap
  • Contact Info (mail, phone, email, etc.)
  • Terms of Use
  • Copyright
  • Privacy policy
  • Required Data Privacy links 
  • Branding
  • Email/Newsletter signup
  • Call to Action (e.g., upcoming events)
  • Latest blog posts/articles
  • Login
  • Social Icons
  • Awards and Certifications
  • Press/Media Information
  • Site search tool
  • Address / Link to Map

Be aware that a user may not follow you on social media until they’ve seen your site. Links in the upper right corner of a site are standard. Including social media links in the footer also gives the user another opportunity to engage with your association (without having to scroll to the top).

Think of the website footer as a secondary menu that helps users find information, provides an opportunity for further association engagement and is a “no-brainer” for business promotion.

An association website footer serves an essential purpose and shouldn’t be an afterthought.

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