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How to Get Board Support to Attend a Conference

This article has been updated since its original publication in 2017. Enjoy!

image of approval rubber stamp

Associations everywhere are about to enter their program and conference planning seasons. This type of planning should always include a step for driving even more registrations. The key to success is to make it as easy as possible for potential attendees to get approval to attend.

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A critical component to marketing your organization’s program should be a letter/proposal template that can be used by potential attendees to pitch the idea to their boss/board, etc.

By helping them “sell” the idea, you’ve put the process in motion and reduced the stress associated with that type of request.

After all, they’re asking for time away from the office as well as funding to cover expenses. That can be an intimidating experience.

Items that the template should include:

  • The hosting organization’s name, the program name, the location, and the dates.
  • How attending will increase the attendee’s contribution to their organization as an employee (ex: education sessions).
  • What their attendance will provide to the organization (ex: networking, program ideas).
  • Specific events they’re planning to attend and why they’re important.
  • Detailed descriptions of educational courses which apply to their responsibilities
  • Early registration cost savings.
  • Cost breakdown, including details on how they’ve found ways to reduce spending.
  • Conclusion emphasizing networking with contacts and gaining industry expertise.

Including such a template as a standard component of your conference marketing is key to maximizing attendance.

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