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How to Get Young Professionals to Volunteer

millennial maleHalf of Americans are under age 30 and millennials have become the largest share of the U.S. workforce.

millennial noun [mil-len-ee-uh l] A person born in the 1980s or 1990s, especially in the U.S.; a member of Generation Y

Young professionals (aka Millennials) are the future of member-based organizations. In order to survive, chambers must learn to reach young professionals and adapt to their culture.

Myth: Millennials are not willing to join or take an active role in an association. 
Fact: They’re willing, but participation needs to be a win-win; it must benefit others as well as benefit them personally.

See more tips on engaging young professionals in The Power of Millennials.

Millennials volunteer at the highest rate of any generation, and getting them involved is easier than you think. A recent survey showed that 47% of Millennials had volunteered in the past month.

“I would volunteer a lot more if it meant I was able to connect with higher up members in the organization. Often though, you don’t meet anyone except the volunteer coordinator.” – survey respondent, The Millennial Impact Project.

When Millennials were asked why they volunteer in an association, these were the top two replies:

61% to gain professional expertise
51% for networking

When asked why they don’t volunteer in an association? 

45% said they simply weren’t asked to volunteer 

Engaging with Millennials is important because they are energizing, creative, and innovative. They delight in making positive systemic and organizational change. Which begs the question: Can you afford not to engage them?

Sources include: Next Gen ‘13, ASAE Survey, The Millennial Impact Project by The Case Foundation

Learn more about the changing membership landscape
and how to embrace Millennials,

SEE ALSO: Engaging the Disengaged Member with Shari Pash

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