Holiday observances are a great way to keep your association’s social media feeds active.
Talk Like a Pirate Day, Truck Driver Appreciation Week, and Service Dog Month are just a few September holidays. Here are several more September holidays to inspire you:
Monthly Observances
- Baby Safety Month
- Hispanic Heritage Month
- Square Dancing Month
- Honey Month
- Service Dog Month
30 More Ideas for Your Association’s Social Media Posts »
Weekly Observances
- September 1 – 7 Nutrition Week
- September 2 – 8 Waffle Week
- September 9 – 15 Truck Driver Appreciation Week
- September 9 – 15 Suicide Prevention Week
Daily Observances
- 3 Labor Day
- 7 Chocolate Day
- 8 International Literacy Day
- 9 Grandparents Day
- 11 9/11 Remembrance
- 13 Peanut Day
- 16 American Legion Day
- 19 Talk Like a Pirate Day
- 23 Autumn Equinox
- 25 Ataxia Awareness Day
- 26 Johnny Appleseed Day
How to Use Social Media to Promote Your Association’s Events »
SEE ALSO: Frank Kenny’s Guest Blog on Social Media Relationship Building for Associations