Payment Calculator

Below is a sample payment calculator for GrowthZone Pay. Note that most fees from other payment processing companies involve hidden fees. Many customers report that other providers bury some fees on a bank statement and other fees on another statement. Be sure to verify that you’ve included all fees here to get a true comparison.

GZ Pay: Visa/MC/Discover GZ Pay: American Express/Other
Monthly Processing Dollar Amount
Number of Charges
GZ Pay: Estimated Percentage Processing Fee (%)
GZ Pay: Per Charge Fee
GZ Pay: Per Charge Fee Total
GZ Pay: Total Charges
GZ Pay: Other Fees
GZ Pay: Total Fees
Total Fees Paid Current Provider
GZ Pay: More or (Less)
If you’d like to receive a free quote,
feel free to reach out to and one of our GrowthZone Pay Representatives will contact you.
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