When you spend a lot of time and money preparing for an in-person event for education, fundraising, networking, or membership building, the last thing you want is an empty room.
Get more out of your event marketing with this guide: Before, During & After: The How-To Guide to Successful Event Promotions.
To start event planning off on the right track, follow these steps:
- Make Registration Easy
- Define Your Purpose
- Target Your Audience
- Define the Benefits of Attending.
People love to procrastinate and register at the last minute. So, when it comes to promoting your event, one interaction isn’t enough. Use this checklist to ensure you’ve hit the most important promotional touchpoints:
- Your Website
- SnapChat & Instagram
- Traditional Media
- Speakers & Sponsors
Use your association software to easily set up all the event details and display them on your website and on the member-only portal. Remember to link to the event landing page from your website’s calendar of events as well as from banner ads throughout your website.
Get the guide for more tips on:
- Planning & Goal Setting
- Messaging & Promotional Tactics
- During the Event
- Post-Event Marketing