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Association LinkedIn Pages: Best Practices

image of linkedin connection iconLinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with over 562 million users in more than 200 countries. It is a powerful tool, especially for associations who want to reach members, legislators, journalists, and prospects.

With persistence, associations can benefit from utilizing this platform to bring better visibility to their organization.

Having a robust LinkedIn association page isn’t enough, engaging current followers attracting new ones is key. Just like all social media, it may take some time to grow, but with consistency and patience, the results will come.

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social media #MondayMotivation posts.

But, before concentrating on growing an association’s LinkedIn audience, engaging with current connections and followers should be first and foremost. Without consistent engagement, there’s no point in growing.

Engage Followers:

  • Be informative. Regularly share and post valuable content related to the association. This can be association-created content or helpful content from other sources. Establish a cadence – once a day, twice a month – making sure to leave out the sales pitch.
  • Videos posted on LinkedIn company pages are native and play directly in user’s newsfeed garnering a 75% higher share rate according to LinkedIn.
  • There are plenty of stats showing that posts with imagery get more engagement, no matter what platform. Don’t skip this!  Lacking an image database?  There are plenty of places to get royalty-free, good quality images.  Try unsplash.com or www.pixabay.com.
  • Include clear calls-to-action to bolster engagement: “Click here to register for our event,” etc.

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 How to Grow:

  • Start from within: Encourage all staff members to follow the association page and share all posts.
  • Help staff by ensuring they have up-to-date, professional-looking profiles.
  • Include industry keywords on both personal profiles and the association’s page.
  • Add the association page link to email signatures.
  • Reach out to members: Use whatever channel works the best and ask them to follow the association page. Be sure to tell them what to expect when they do – e.g. thought leadership articles.
  • Create timely content by capitalizing on trending topics to help attract followers.
  • Use buttons or icons: Make it as easy as possible to follow the association page. Promote LinkedIn with icons on the association website, newsletters, and all other digital touchpoints.
  • Most important – monitor analytics! It’s hard to know what is resonating with your followers without looking at the results. See what works best and post more of the same to increase shares and followers.

With these tips, growing an association LinkedIn presence will go quickly. Good luck.  We look forward to seeing you on LinkedIn.

Follow GrowthZone on LinkedIn.

SEE ALSO: https://www.growthzone.com/blog/linkedin-for-associations-part-1/



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