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Association Social Media Themes for December

Image of December Christmas calendarAs the year winds down, generating ideas for social media posts can be a challenge. Keep your social media fresh by posting about holidays and events.

Here are several themes to get you rolling:

Monthly Observances

  • AIDS Awareness Month
  • Bingo Month
  • Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month
  • Human Rights Month
  • Safe Toys and Gifts Month
  • Food Service Safety Month

Weekly Observances

  • 3-9                Handwashing Awareness
  • 18-22            Cookie Exchange Week
  • 12-20            Chanukah
  • 26-Jan. 1      Kwanzaa

For more ideas, check out this blog post:
How to Increase Facebook Page Followers for Free

Daily Observances

  • 7     Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
  • 9     Brownie Day
  • 10   Dewey Decimal System Day
  • 13   Cocoa Day
  • 15   Ugly Sweater Day
  • 17   Maple Syrup Day
  • 21   Winter Solstice / Flashlight Day
  • 24   Christmas Eve
  • 25   Christmas Day
  • 26   Boxing Day
  • 27   Fruitcake Day
  • 29   No Interruptions Day – Last Work Day of the Year

SEE ALSO: A Simple Social Media Tip for Association Pros

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