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A “To-Do List” for an Association Intern

Association Interns

An internship is an excellent opportunity for students to utilize what they are studying in school and gain some experience.

Likewise, it can be beneficial for employers to delegate more of their work and have someone on their team eager to learn.

Here are some task ideas for association or chamber of commerce interns that are developmental and mutually beneficial:

  1. Research and write blog articles. Provide your intern with some topic ideas and let them find information online to create content for your association’s blog. 
  2. Curate social media posts. The posts can be simple: announcements about local events, small business sales, or a celebratory post about the daily national holiday (think national donut day). This is a fun project that allows room for creativity. 
  3. Assist in social media strategy. Social media without a strategy can feel like a road to nowhere. Marketing students must take multiple classes about digital advertising, so they are well equipped to help your association create a strategy with purpose behind every post. A good social media strategy will drive engagement and earn attention.
  4. Assist in event planning. Anyone who has planned an event knows that it takes a lot of work, so delegate! Interns can make calls, reserve space, and organize supplies so that everything goes off without a hitch. When it comes to events, the more hands on deck, the better. 
  5. Create promotional content: brochures, flyers, etc. This one is perfect for an intern that has some graphic design experience. Professional brochures and flyers will enhance your association’s image.
  6. Sit in on meetings. Have your intern listen and learn in a meeting setting. Ask them their thoughts and pick their brains too.
  7. Answer phones. Phone etiquette is still as important as ever. It is a valuable skill to attain and practice. Tell your intern the expectations for calls and help them get comfortable conversing on the phone.
  8. Membership retention outreach calls. Membership Outreach is crucial for associations. Interns enjoy doing things that are impactful and important for your organization.
  9. Attend and photograph events. This is particularly good for design or photography majors. High-quality event photos can be a powerful tool for associations to use in promotional material. 

Having an intern is an excellent opportunity for your association to give a young professional experience while strengthening your organization. These task ideas will help ensure that the relationship is mutually beneficial.

The Benefits of Hiring an Association Intern >>

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