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9 Easy Steps to Keep Your Association Website On-Track

Your website is on the job 24/7 and is a key player in your association. Your association website is often the first interaction someone has with your association, speaking to every person who visits you online. You have one chance to make an excellent first impression, so it’s important to get it right. Most of us are familiar with Inattention Blindness, failing to see something right before us (you’re not alone—it’s a real thing, and a fantastic video demonstrates the […]

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What’s an SEO Keyword? Why it Matters and How to Use It

According to Techopedia, a keyword (in the context of search engine optimization), is a particular word or phrase that describes the contents of a Web page. It helps search engines match a page with a search query. Think of keywords as a summary of a web page. To determine the most relevant keywords for your organization’s site, list topics, products, or services related to your organization, and put them in a spreadsheet. Next, enter some of the words and phrases […]

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Congratulations to the ACCE 2023 Chamber of the Year Finalists

GrowthZone is especially proud to share the announcement of the 2023 Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE)’s Chamber of the Year finalists as seven of the 12 named use GrowthZone or ChamberMaster software. The Chamber of the Year award recognizes the leadership role chambers of commerce have in their communities. Those honored with the designation have demonstrated organizational strength and made an impact on key community priorities, such as education, transportation, economic prosperity, and quality of life. “This year’s finalists […]

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What Membership Organizations Can Learn From Online and Print Magazines

A guest blog by Kyle Sexton. The events staff is nagging the communications staff to send just one more email to put some cheeks in seats or satisfy the sponsors’ visibility expectations, as per the sponsor agreement. Membership staff want an email that poops members for leads or reminds them of the upcoming advertising deadline. Communications staff bug the membership team for compelling human interest stories to no avail. And who is going to remind the CEO that the article […]

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