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Association Management: COVID-19 and Human Resources

The Center for Disease Control recently shared interim strategies for employers to use to manage the COVID-19 impact on their businesses. The relevance of strategies to associations is two-fold: It is a starting point for internal management and serves as a resource for associations to share with their members. We have included some of the suggestions below. Please visit the CDC website for the full article. Actively encourage sick employees to stay home: Employees who have symptoms of acute respiratory […]

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[UPDATE] Amid Coronavirus, ASAE Urges White House to Support Associations

[Reprint from ASAE] On Friday, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow told CNBC that the White House is considering federal support to help industries and workers impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19).   In response, ASAE sent a letter to the White House urging the Trump Administration to include associations in financial support to the travel and tourism industry as a result of COVID-19. In the letter, ASAE urges the White House to include tax-exempt associations suffering from event cancellations and reduced meetings attendance […]

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Melynn Sight LIVE Q & A: 2020 Association Survey Results

Grab some coffee and log-in on Wednesday, Feb. 26th, for a fast-paced, LIVE Q&A webinar with Melynn Sight and the GrowthZone team. We’ll dive into the 2020 Association Industry Survey Results and take a look at what your industry colleagues said about: Their most effective member-engagement tactics Association staff turnover rates Top association programs for successful member retention Association members’ opinions of association. Plus, a LOT more! Wednesday, Feb. 26th at 10am pst | 1pm est Can’t join us? Sign up anyway, we’ll send you the recording.

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Happy 2020!

Wishing you a prosperous and productive 2020!

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A Year in Review and a Look Ahead

Each year as we plan for the upcoming year, our focus is on how we can best serve associations and chambers of commerce and improve on the year before. There is never a year that goes exactly according to plan, and this year was no exception. But sometimes when things don’t go as planned, the results are positive. Here are two quick examples. New Headquarters For instance, at the start of 2019, we certainly weren’t planning on moving offices. However, […]

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Holiday Greetings

May the joy and the wonder of the season be yours.

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How Binge Watching Relates to Association Productivity

In essence, scalability is to associations as fast internet is to streaming.

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Association Board Orientation Planning Checklist

In Part 1 of our Board Orientation series, GrowthZone focused on how associations should establish goals and define success when setting up an association new board of directors’ orientation. The next step in the process is to decide how to structure the board member orientation. There are dozens of ways to format association board onboarding and many decisions to be made. Get the Field Guide to Association Board Orientation for a step-by-step plan.  What is the orientation plan? Will it […]

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What Association AMS Software Actually Costs

Indirect costs are not directly accountable to something (e.g., a particular project, facility, or product). A robust membership management software system can generate great long-term ROI for associations. On the other hand, sub-par association membership software can be inefficient. Associations depending on outdated AMS software are often saddled with unanticipated indirect costs. The direct costs are clear—the amount spent on the association software. The indirect costs, however, can quickly add up. A subpar AMS can result in wasted time, missed […]

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Avoiding Meeting Misery: 3 Musts for Efficient Meetings

Efficient meetings require more planning than simply emailing the attendees an invite. Whether it’s the association board, staff, or members, use the following tips to plan association meetings that meet objectives, produce results, and leave participants with a sense of accomplishment. Define the objective: Ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish. Are you: Looking for a decision? Generating ideas? Receiving status reports? Communicating something? Making plans? Do you even really need to have the meeting? Download We’ve Got to […]

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How to Calculate Association Member Retention Rates

Does the thought of having to calculate retention, churn, or the cost of acquiring a new member make your head hurt? For many association pros, crunching numbers is (unfortunately) a part of their daily grind. You don’t have to be a math person to use this easy-to-understand calculation to determine retention rates. RETENTION RATE: (the percentage of members retained over a given period of time) (End Count – New Members) ÷ Start Count = Retention Rate Example: At the end […]

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Stop Waiting. It’s Time for Associations to Use Marketing Automation

Could you use some more time or an extra set of hands in your organization? Most people would respond with an emphatic YES! to this question. Below, Membership Expert Frank Kenny shares his thoughts on marketing automation for associations: When you ask associations if they are using marketing automation to gain back time or get more done, the answer is still usually no, not really. The reasons for this vary, but three of the more common excuses are we don’t […]

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