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Knowledge Library

Browse our knowledge library of association industry articles, white papers, guides, infographics, and videos on a variety of important industry topics.

association new member communication

What New Members Want

  Get (and keep) their attention by implementing the tips and programs in The Fundamentals of New-Member Communications. It includes: Crafting the Ultimate New-Member Welcome Email New-Member Onboarding Timeline Worksheet How to Get Members to Open Your Emails You put a lot of effort into recruiting new association members — wouldn’t you like to know if that effort is wasted or not?

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Tools to Help Associations Thrive

Failure is not an option for association teams supporting a variety of members and initiatives. Read the articles in our Association Success Kit and propel your association to the next level of success. What’s inside? Hate Selling? You’re Just Human – Low-pressure tips for how to talk with people about your association. The Secret to Recruiting and Keeping Volunteers” – A practical guide to why people volunteer and why they don’t. Carrollwood Area Business Association Success Story – Learn how your peers have […]

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Data Management Keeping You Up at Night?

It’s tough to grow when you’re spending time on the little stuff. Just think about the time you spend entering information into spreadsheets. Then re-entering that same information someplace else. A little task is just that – a little task. But when you have a whole bunch of little tasks, it quickly adds up to a full day of doing something other than growing your Association. Learn how to do more in less time with GrowthZone AMS.

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Survey Results

2017 Association Survey Results

We surveyed over a thousand association professionals across the U.S. and Canada. Their insight and feedback provided valuable data on current industry trends impacting member-based organizations. The 2017 Association Industry Trends Report topics include: Successful (and not so successful) renewal methods Top challenges facing organizations Most popular member benefits And more! How does your association compare? Download the easy-to-read infographic now.

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Business Cards Are Not Your Customers

Planning on attending a networking event? Learn how to make it count. Business networking events. Some people look forward to them, others may secretly groan when they show up on the schedule. The long and short of it is: if you’re going to attend, make them count. Our association networking tip sheet provides strategies for putting together your networking plan of attack before you even leave the office.

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The Power of Millennials

Can associations get young members to engage? The answer is yes. Millennials now make up the largest share of the workforce. Is your association truly connecting with them? Read The Power of Millennials. It includes eye-opening feedback from millennials, including why they don’t join and how to actually get them through your association’s door. This generation will determine the future of associations. Can you afford NOT to engage them?

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10 Ways to Use Technology to Streamline Non-Dues Revenue

10 things you can do today to increase non-dues revenue using technology you probably already have. Read our free guide, Using Technology to Streamline Non-Dues Revenue and gain insight on the latest ways to boost your bottom line, including: What is (and isn’t) working for other associations Approaches that maximize individual staff strengths with no out-of-pocket expense Easy and efficient resources that allow members to utilize online tools, freeing up time for association staff to focus on other tasks.

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image of association data entry madness

Stop Data Entry Madness

Data Entry is better when you only do it once. Many associations use three, four, or more unconnected software programs to manage their association. This takes up valuable time because your staff ends up manually entering data over and over into several places. Read STOP Data Entry Madness and see how to do more in less time so you can run your association with ease and focus on the strategic initiatives that fulfill your mission.

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Wish You Had the Secret Sauce for Adding New Members?

You want to grow. You need to grow. But you’re finding it challenging to identify and market to prospects. Not to mention close the sale. “SALE?” That’s right, SALE. You might not want to admit it, but you’re in the business of selling. You sell memberships, renewals, sponsorships, certifications and more. But to be successful, you have to manage and keep track of the sales process. That’s where GrowthZone Association Management Software comes in.

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5 Association Website Must-Haves

Is your association’s website providing real value? Today, simply creating a website isn’t enough. Members and prospective members expect information that is relevant, well-organized, and membership-focused. Our informative digital poster includes the 5 must-haves for every association website (and why each component is critical for retention and growth).

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How to Make the Most of Your Association’s Technology

Whether you call it AMS, MMS, CRM, or something else — if your association isn’t taking full advantage of the technology tools it has, it’s time to download our informative guide, Making the Most of your Member Management Software. Learn how to optimize the technology you already have so you can get the most out of your software investment. The best part? You’ll get something out of this guide no matter what software you use to manage your association. Get the free guide for […]

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An Efficient Association is a Happy Association

Is your association running smoothly? Running an association isn’t always easy, but there’s good news: Association operations don’t have to be challenging. Our Association Operations Toolkit includes three information-rich resources for association pros all in one convenient PDF. The toolkit includes: We’ve Got to Stop Meeting Like This – A tip sheet for planning and running efficient meetings The Staffing Solutions Playbook – 44 easy, low-cost (and free) techniques for retaining top talent Why Use AMS – Three important benefits of using association management software

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