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Tips for Association Video Conferencing from Home

When it comes to videoconferencing, the fact of the matter is, you can’t avoid it forever. Set yourself up for success, so the only thing you’ll have to think about is making sure you look presentable. Use these suggestions to get started. LIGHTING Avoid fluorescent lights and/or overhead lighting at all costs, unless you like to look like you have shadows under your eyes. Light sources from above or below can cast shadows, making it hard to see your face. […]

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Families First Coronavirus Response Act

On March 18, 2020, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (the FFCRA) was signed into law. The FFCRA seeks to assist employees impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) and applies to employers with fewer than 500 employees, which likely includes your associations and many of the members and businesses you serve. Familiarity with the provisions of the FFCRA can further position associations as a valued resource during these and rapidly changing times. Following is a summary of key provisions of the FFCRA taken from the U.S. […]

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How to Create a LinkedIn Group for Associations

LinkedIn Groups provide an arena for professionals with similar interests or working in the same industry to share insights, ask questions, and foster connections. This is a valuable opportunity for associations to connect with members and prospective members. To create a group for your organization, you’ll need to use your personal LinkedIn account (company pages can’t create or form groups). You’ll be the owner of any group you create, but you can also assign other members to be managers who can […]

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Association Management: COVID-19 and Human Resources

The Center for Disease Control recently shared interim strategies for employers to use to manage the COVID-19 impact on their businesses. The relevance of strategies to associations is two-fold: It is a starting point for internal management and serves as a resource for associations to share with their members. We have included some of the suggestions below. Please visit the CDC website for the full article. Actively encourage sick employees to stay home: Employees who have symptoms of acute respiratory […]

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[UPDATE] Amid Coronavirus, ASAE Urges White House to Support Associations

[Reprint from ASAE] On Friday, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow told CNBC that the White House is considering federal support to help industries and workers impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19).   In response, ASAE sent a letter to the White House urging the Trump Administration to include associations in financial support to the travel and tourism industry as a result of COVID-19. In the letter, ASAE urges the White House to include tax-exempt associations suffering from event cancellations and reduced meetings attendance […]

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