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8 Ways to Jump Start Your Networking Events

Member networking events. Some people look forward to them, others secretly groan when they show up on the schedule. The key to making your association’s events successful is to make them valuable to your members. The long and short of it is: if members are going to attend, give them the tools to make them count. Get free networking resources to share with members. Part one of our two-part series on successful member networking explores strategies for members to put together […]

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How Associations Increase Membership Sales

You may not realize it, but you’re in the business of selling. Think about it. You sell memberships. Renewals. Sponsorships. Certifications. And conference registrations. Get the idea? But how do you really succeed in sales? It starts with being able to track and manage the sales process. Using a sales funnel, anyone can master the art of cultivating and closing sales. Watch a quick video about the GrowthZone AMS Sales Funnel Management Module » Not sure what a sales funnel […]

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How to Get Young Professionals to Volunteer

Half of Americans are under age 30 and millennials have become the largest share of the U.S. workforce. millennial noun [mil-len-ee-uh l] A person born in the 1980s or 1990s, especially in the U.S.; a member of Generation Y Young professionals (aka Millennials) are the future of member-based organizations. In order to survive, chambers must learn to reach young professionals and adapt to their culture. Myth: Millennials are not willing to join or take an active role in an association.  Fact: They’re willing, but participation needs […]

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February Social Media Tips for Associations

From pistachios to polar bears, February is full of random (and not-so-random) holidays. Holiday observances are a great way to keep your association’s social media feeds active. We’ve shared several February themes to get you started: Monthly Observances American Heart Month Black History Month Canned Food Month Great American Pie Month National Cherry Month National Children’s Dental Health Month National Grapefruit Month National Weddings Month 30 More Ideas for Chamber Social Media Posts » Weekly Observances Feb 4-10 Burn Awareness […]

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Writing a Press Release for Associations

The purpose of a press release is to get attention, make news, and generate publicity. It’s cost-effective marketing (free) and they can be used to create brand awareness for your association. Keep your website at the top of search engine results through blogging. Download How to Write an Association Blog People Will Read. The Basics of Crafting a Press Release: Make it newsworthy; it’s not an ad, it’s a news article Use an attention-grabbing headline Be time-sensitive – no one wants old news Stick to […]

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The Elephant in the (Board) Room

GrowthZone recently surveyed 1,000 association professionals, asking about everything from renewal stats and member communication tactics to staff health insurance coverage and mobile payments… plus a whole lot more. Download the 2018 Association Industry Trends Survey Report to see what your association peers said. But, there was one question that opened a Pandora’s box of responses: What do you wish your board realized? We heard about board members who try to micromanage, those that don’t really do anything, and many who […]

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On-Demand: 2018 Association Trends Survey Report

GrowthZone surveyed 1,000 association professionals across the U.S. and Canada. And the results aren’t what you think. Take a look the 2018 Survey Results On-Demand Webcast » This on-demand webcast with Teri Carden of and the GrowthZone team reveals the first public look at the 2018 Association Trends Survey report. In this fast-paced Q&A, they explore the survey results including: what association executives wished their boards knew, health insurance coverage, renewal stats, member communication tactics, top challenges, and more. […]

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LIVE WEBCAST: 2018 Association Survey Results

GrowthZone surveyed 1,000 association professionals across the U.S. and Canada. And the results aren’t what you think. Register Now: LIVE Webcast: Wed., Jan. 24th | 12 pm CST Join the upcoming, live webcast with Teri Carden of and the GrowthZone team for the first public look at the 2018 Association Trends Survey findings. (Can’t make the live presentation? Register anyway and we’ll send you the recording.)  In this fast-paced Q&A, they’ll explore the survey results including: what association executives wished their […]

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These Are the Most Read Association Blog Posts of 2017

We were busier than ever this past year producing over 100 blog posts for our amazing audience of association professionals (that’s you!). Didn’t have time to read all 100? Of course not, so here are the top 5 most popular posts of the past year. (Most of the articles can be read in less than 3 minutes!)   3 Ways to Quit Wasting Time in Worthless Meetings »     How to Conduct a SWOT Analysis for Association Planning » […]

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How to Engage Members in the 21st Century

There’s no reason associations should continue to play by 20th-century rules anymore. There are (at least) 5 digital tactics member-based organizations should be using to drive participation and engagement in today’s world. TACTIC #1 Build Awareness Through Social Media Like most associations, you probably already have some sort of social media presence. But do y ou use it as a strategic tool to promote your organization? Are you using it to initiate discussions and dialogue? Don’t overlook social media as […]

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8 Ways to Get (and stay) Caught Up at Work in 2018

For associations, extra time is scarce. Learn how to make the most of your day by following these simple tips: Keyboard Shortcuts Learn keyboard shortcuts for the computer programs you use regularly. The time you save will really add up. Internet Time Limit how many times a day you check social media, news, etc. Otherwise, leave them alone (seriously). Check out the Association Operations Toolkit for ideas to improve efficiency at your organization. The Black Hole of Email Schedule specific […]

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