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Revenue Solutions

10 Ways to Get Association Members to Pay On Time

In a blog post about how to get invoices paid faster, Turbine outlined 10 helpful tips for getting paid on time. Offer multiple payment methods If your association members have different options for payment, particularly online (credit, debit card, ACH transfer, etc.), and autopayments, they’ll pay faster. Be polite Small phrases like ‘please pay your association invoice within…’ and ‘thank you for your membership’ can make a big difference. It can increase the percentage of invoices paid by over five […]

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10 Ways E-Billing Increases Efficiency and Lowers Costs

How much time (and money!) does your association staff still spend on tedious billing, payment processing, and manual accounting tasks? Electronic billing enables staff to streamline their day-to-day tasks, increasing efficiency. ADVANTAGES OF ELECTRONIC BILLING For Associations: SAVES TIME & MONEY No need to mail invoices, process individual payments, and cash checks RETENTION Members love it CASH FLOW More predictable business planning AUTOMATION Payment information automatically updates your database EFFICIENT OPERATIONS Fewer collection issues and late bills For Members: CONVENIENCE […]

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Chamber Non-Dues Revenue Continues to Lag

Year after year, GrowthZone chamber survey respondents have noted that less than half of their revenue comes from non-dues sources. In the 2023 survey again, 474 chamber of commerce professionals across the U.S. and Canada stated that 45% of their revenue comes from non-dues sources. Increase Non-Dues Revenue If you’re struggling to increase non-dues revenue, we can help. Read Using Technology to Streamline Non-Dues Revenue for 10 helpful tips you can implement quickly and easily, using technology you probably already have […]

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What Your Association Peers Say About Non-Dues Revenue

It’s no surprise that when GrowthZone surveyed 388 association professionals across the U.S. and Canada at the end of 2022, the top non-dues revenue source listed was events. Successful Revenue-Generating Events How can you ensure success for your important revenue-generating events? When you spend a lot of time and money preparing for an in-person event for education, fundraising, networking, or membership building, the last thing you want is an empty room. Our guide, Before, During & After: The How-To Guide […]

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Member Engagement and Retention Cited as Top Challenges in 2023 Association Survey Results

Near the end of 2022, GrowthZone surveyed over 300 association professionals across the U.S. and Canada. The survey results show growing membership, member engagement/retention of members, and revenue/budget/funding are what worry your association peers most. (Can you relate?) Here’s a preview of more of the 2023 Association Survey findings: Member Engagement Leads to Member Retention Why do you think members don’t renew their membership with your organization? The majority of those surveyed cite a lack of engagement with the organization […]

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2023 Medical and Healthcare Association
Survey Results Released

The biggest challenges to growing membership include difficulty reaching prospective members and attracting and retaining younger members. NISSWA, MN – January 17, 2023 – GrowthZone, provider of association management software, has released its 2023 Medical & Healthcare Association Survey results. The survey polls medical and healthcare association professionals on membership practices including retention and recruiting; innovation and initiatives; revenue; and more. While over half of respondents say engagement is about the same as last year, lack of engagement is listed […]

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2023 Chamber of Commerce Industry Survey Results Released

Lack of engagement with the organization and lack of time to participate named the top reasons for chamber members not renewing. NISSWA, MN – January 17, 2023 – GrowthZone, provider of membership management software, has released its 2023 Chamber Industry Survey results. The survey polls chamber professionals on membership practices including retention and recruiting; innovation and initiatives; revenue; and more. 88% of respondents cited “to grow their network” as the top reason members join their organization, and “visibility within their […]

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2023 Association Industry
Survey Results Released

Respondents cite reaching prospective members as the top hurdle to growing membership, with attracting younger members next in line. January 17, 2023 – GrowthZone, provider of association management software, released its 2023 Association Industry Survey results. Topics covered in the survey include challenges the organizations are facing, reinstatement strategies, and membership growth. The results showed several interesting trends impacting today’s trade and professional associations. “It’s important for GrowthZone to hear what challenges association professionals are facing. It helps us improve our […]

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3 Ways to Generate Non-Dues Revenue

Fact: 50% of association revenue is generated from non-dues sources. Check out these 3 things you can do today to increase non-dues revenue using technology you probably already have: Social Media Advertising Your social media followers are a coveted group for vendors and suppliers. So why not use promoted or sponsored posts to generate extra revenue? Download the guide, Using Technology to Streamline Non-Dues Revenue, to get 10 ideas. Online Member Directory Advertising Connecting buyers and suppliers is a nobrainer. […]

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Interesting Trends in 2022 Real Estate Association Survey Results

Real estate association professionals across the U.S. and Canada look at their organizations’ inner workings when they reply to GrowthZone’s annual association survey.  This year, over half of real estate association pros aren’t confident their members understand the value of the association. However, 72% said overall engagement with members improved or was better year over year. Get the complete 2022 real estate association survey results report to see how your association compares:   Annual association operating budgets Membership growth and retention […]

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2 Tips to Increase Association Non-Dues Revenue

Associations are constantly challenged to increase non-dues revenue. Boosting the bottom line can begin by maximizing what every association already has: a website. Your association’s website is an ultra-efficient way to set up non-dues revenue programs and strategies with minimal effort and maintenance. In Using Technology to Streamline Non-Dues Revenue, association pros can learn about what is and isn’t working for other member-based organizations. Additionally, it includes details on approaches that maximize individual staff strengths with no out-of-pocket expense. Two […]

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Interesting Trends in Annual Chamber Survey Results

GrowthZone recently released the 2022 Chamber Survey results. The survey covers association association membership management, including renewal and retention numbers, values and policies – current initiatives and new programs, revenue, and more. The report also includes words of wisdom and lessons learned from 2021. The report also highlights what your chamber peers shared about: – Operating budgets – Value propositions – Innovation/new services – Reinstatement strategies Common lessons learned revolved around empathy, resilience, and the need for flexibility. One respondent […]

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